
今- 狗急加速器

Icon ARPM Training


Intense training onsite or part-time programs online (overview and in-depth)


Video lectures, Theory, Case studies, Data animations, Code, Documentation, Slides, Exercises
Icon ARPM Certificate


Testing theory, coding and presentation skills

今- 狗急加速器

The ARPM Quant Bootcamp is an intense training that:
  • Provides a broad overview of modern quantitative finance, across asset management, banking and insurance
  • Enables understanding of inter-relationships between topics across theory and implementation
In operation since 2007, the Quant Bootcamp has thousands of Alumni from around the world, including industry leaders and academics.

You may choose between attending through a interactive streaming presentation or in person. An On Demand version is also available.
Icon ARPM Quant Bootcamp
Icon ARPM Quant Marathon

今- 狗急加速器

The ARPM Quant Marathon is a master-level program that:
  • Provides in-depth training across all fields of modern quantitative finance, across asset management, banking and insurance
  • Enables mastery of topics across theory and implementation and the ability to create models anew
The ARPM Quant Marathon is guided via face-time with instructors, Q&A support, assignment grading, and much more.

今- 狗急加速器

The ARPM Lab is an online learning platform that spans the entire spectrum of modern quantitative finance across asset management, banking and insurance, from the foundations to the most advanced developments in:
  • Data Science for Finance
  • Financial Engineering for Investment
  • Quantitative Risk Management
  • Quantitative Portfolio Management
The ARPM Lab is accessible via 8 inter-connected learning channels: Video lectures, Theory, Case studies, Data animations, Code, Documentation, Slides and Exercises.
Icon ARPM Lab
Icon ARPM Certificate

今- 狗急加速器

The ARPM Certificate demonstrates broad and deep proficiency in modern quantitative finance, across the financial industry: asset management, banking and insurance.

The Body of Knowledge tested during the ARPM Certificate covers all the areas of modern quantitative finance:
  • Data Science for Finance
  • Financial Engineering for Investment
  • Quantitative Risk Management
  • Quantitative Portfolio Management

Craft Your Own ARPM Experience



In addition to delivery through the Quant Bootcamp and online programs at arpm.co, ARPM's programs are also delivered by leading universities as credit coursework, and by financial institutions for the education and the growth of their talent pool. Contact us to learn more about the ARPM Academia and Corporate programs.

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